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Police Officer Arrested Over January 6 Riot

A North Carolina police officer has been arrested for his alleged part in the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
John Joseph Carl, 41, of Pinetops in Edgecombe County, allegedly grabbed a police officer’s arm and baton and is accused of entering a senator’s office. He allegedly admitted being at the riot but said he only witnessed protesters pushing police officers.
He also shared photos of the event with the FBI. The photos, taken on his phone, show him smiling outside the Capitol building and a photo of demonstrators trying to push their way into the building.
Newsweek sought email comment from Carl’s attorney on Friday.
In a criminal complaint filed to Judge Zia Faruqui in Washington, D.C., federal court on August 13, prosecutors also shared bodycam footage taken on January 6, allegedly showing Carl with his arms extended trying to push away police batons.
CCTV footage included in the criminal complaint allegedly shows Carl entering the Capitol building at about 3:05 p.m. He is then accused of entering a senator’s office.
He was arrested several days after the criminal complaint was lodged in court and is accused of felony obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder; misdemeanor entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; misdemeanor disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; misdemeanor disorderly conduct in a Capitol building and misdemeanor parading, picketing, and demonstrating in a Capitol building.
Department of Justice evidence submitted in court included the clothes he allegedly wore on the day of the riot.
On January 6, 2021, a mob of President Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election win. The riot erupted following claims from Trump that the election was stolen via widespread voter fraud.
Three days after the riot, one man admitted his part and confessed that he had picked up his friend, Carl, and drove him to the Capitol. The man’s name and photo have been redacted in the criminal complaint against Carl.
When arrested, Carl told police that “there were people punching back and forth” and that “on our side, there wasn’t a lot of like swinging or throwing…it was just, you know, guys putting their shoulder in and the police with their shield pushing back on the crowd.”
The Pinetops Police Department in North Carolina said that it had hired Carl after the riot and didn’t know at the time that he was suspected of taking part.
“The Town of Pinetops Police Department was made aware of an incident involving an employee that occurred approximately two years and five months prior to his employment,” it said in a statement.
“The town was not aware of any investigation involving this employee in the past. This employee has been suspended. As this is a personnel matter, the Town cannot comment further at this time.”
